Sasha Iyer

Candidate's About

Reflecting on my experience as an ESL teacher for early childhood, one of the most rewarding aspects was witnessing how children in this age group are typically well behaved and incredibly eager to learn. Their natural curiosity and enthusiasm created a dynamic and vibrant learning environment that was both inspiring and fulfilling. Interacting with these young learners taught me the importance of fostering a supportive and nurturing atmosphere in the classroom. By creating a safe and welcoming space, I noticed that the children felt comfortable expressing themselves and taking risks in their language learning journey. This sense of security allowed them to explore new concepts and practice their language skills with confidence. I also discovered the power of incorporating play-based activities into the curriculum. For young children, play is not only enjoyable but also an essential tool for learning. Through games, songs, and hands-on activities, I was able to engage the children in meaningful language practice while also promoting their cognitive and social development. One of the most memorable moments was witnessing the progress that each child made over time. From their first hesitant attempts to speak in English to confidently communicating their thoughts and ideas, seeing their growth was truly rewarding. It reinforced the importance of patience, encouragement, and individualized support in language acquisition. Overall, my experience as an ESL teacher for early childhood was incredibly enriching. Working with young learners taught me valuable lessons about the power of positivity, creativity, and flexibility in education. It also reaffirmed my belief in the limitless potential of every child to learn and succeed.

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